Motor Homeless

Less home, more road!

Motorhomeless at Desert Daze 2016

Desert Daze adventure 2016 now in Joshua Tree at Institute of Mentalphysics, it was an amazing festival experience surrounded by great bands such as Temples, King Gizzard & The Lizard, Deap Vally, Washed Out, Toro Y Moi, Primus, JJUUJJUU, Foxygen, LSD & the Search For God and so on.


Protassov: I Wonder
Washed Out: All I Know
Temples: Shelter Song
Ofege: It’s Not Easy

Onboard: Tiago, Agustin, Guigo, Fernando Palmeira, and De menor.
Filmed by: Agustin Mica, Guigo Foggiatto and Gui Guenter.
Edit by: Agustin Mica

Especial thanks to Desert Daze Team, Anthony Ferrara and Dani Evans.

Desert Daze 2016 Photos

First post from our second year on Desert Daze, in a few words we can say that Desert Daze 2016 was like a Pira (complex word in portuguese), we had two new motorHomeless onboard Fernando Palmeira and Guinter the gromet…

Most photos taken by Agustin Mica, Guigo Foggiatto Gui Guinter .

A big thanks to Anthony from Moonblock Party and Desert Daze

Nicolas Fresard on film by Pablo Aguiar

It’s always good to host my homies Pablo Aguiar (Pablito, Blitz, Bola, Bola de pelo … ) and Nicolas Fresard when they come to Venice Beach, in early April we spent a few days “road tripping” around LA, here’s Pablo’s vision on 35mm.

Nicolas when in Brasil “Going to California“… writing his own destiny.

You can check more of Pablo’s work at


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